Romans 1:18-20

discovering the glory of God and humanity through innate righteousness

There is a plague in Christianity.

This plague declares that God’s very own image, Mankind, is so incredibly destroyed and corrupt that it is impossible to be good or to choose good.

This plague leads to all sorts of problems, including the freedom from responsibility. After all, how can a lion be blamed for killing when it is its nature?

It is my mission to rediscover the wonderful and edifying truths of humanity’s glory and righteousness, not just in those of Christianity, but in all those who know God through Love and are forgiven because they forgive.

This idea of complete corruption and original sin is nothing but a slap in the face of a perfect Creator. How can we say that creation is so terrible when it is the good God who created it?

I will write articles on everything from morality, fallen angels, and relative morality to life and rebirth, paganism, universalism, open theism, and everything else that restores this beautiful image of God and Mankind to us all.

We need to reject shame and embrace our perfected creation. We are not guilty because of Adam but because of ourselves. We need to hold our heads up high in responsibility for our actions and strive for virtue, which we know is not out of our reach.

That is the goal of my writing: to return power back to Mankind and return glory to our Creator.


Abe Bouchard